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Mark Richards (MR) 6’2 twin fin shaped by Mike Richardson aka Electric Duck in the late 1970’s-early 1980’s. Featuring a unique geometric design and clear Star Systems twin fins. All original condition. Use as a functional surfboard or decorative surfboard art piece!

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History of Mark Richards surfboards

“I am just an ordinary person who can stand on a surfboard very well.‭”‬ -‭ ‬these are the humble words of a great man,‭ ‬the legend of‭ ‬the‭ ‬world surfing.

Mark Richards,‭ ‬known‭ ‬also‭ ‬under the initials‭ ‬MR,‭ ‬is an Australian surfer who was the first professional to win several‭ ‬world titles. He is also known by the nickname “The Wounded Gull” due to the way he held his arms and hands over his head while surfing. ‭ ‬Born March‭ ‬7,‭ ‬1957,‭ ‬in Newcastle,‭ ‬Australia,‭ ‬he‭ ‬was surrounded by surfboards from the first years of his life.‭ ‬His father,‭ ‬Ray,‭ ‬was the owner of one of the first stores for surfers in Australia.‭ ‬Mark‭’‬s‭ ‬parents often took him to the beach,‭ ‬where he quickly learned the basics of the sport.‭ ‬He took his first steps in surfing at Blacksmith Beach and Rainbow Bay,‭ ‬where he surfed at Snapper Rocks.‭ ‬His career began at the age‭ ‬of only‭ ‬13.‭ ‬He stood out from other young surfers and qualified for the national team‭ ‬for the world amateur championship in San Diego in‭ ‬1972.‭ ‬Despite the small success at the time,‭ ‬everyone was sure that he would soon become an important opponent.

That was exactly the case,‭ ‬although not immediate.‭ ‬In‭ ‬1976,‭ ‬during the world pro tour,‭ ‬he decided to stay at home and take care of‭ ‬his new surfboard-shaping business.‭ “I ‬wanted to be a shaper because there was no such thing as pro surfing.‭”‬ -‭ ‬explains Mark‭ ‬Richards,‭ ‬but inevitably shaping boards was what led him to a giant success later.‭ ‬He had an opportunity to work with some of the world‭’‬s greatest shapers such as‭ ‬Geoff Mc Coy,‭ ‬Gerry Lopez,‭ ‬Spider Murphy,‭ ‬and Dick Brewer.‭ ‬Mark mentions,‭ ‬that all of them,‭ ‬but especially Dick Brewer had an enormous influence on his later work.‭ ‬He had learned a technique that made it possible to turn the image from his head into a reality.‭ ‬That‭’‬s how,‭ ‬in‭ ‬1977,‭ ‬he shaped his famous‭ ‬Free Ride Twinfin,‭ ‬his new take-on‭ ‬the‭ ‬twin-finned surfboard,‭ ‬original design and creation‭ ‬that was‭ ‬ideal for the‭ ‬swooping turns and gliding.‭ ‬It was a remarkable surfboard that made a difference in the surfing world and made him famous.‭ ‬The Free Ride Twinfin was MR‭’‬s‭ “‬secret weapon‭”‬ to win‭ ‬four straight world titles in‭ ‬1979,‭ ‬1980,‭ ‬1981,‭ ‬and‭ ‬1982.‭ ‬Many other surfers had tried to follow up on his achievements,‭ ‬but no one could be as great as him until the world heard of Kelly Slater in the mid-1990s.

After his major success,‭ ‬he left the pro tour‭ ‬again,‭ ‬allegedly due to his back problems.‭ ‬Surprisingly,‭ ‬his main sponsor,‭ ‬Lightning Bolt declined to renew their cooperation,‭ ‬even though MR was at the top of his career.‭ ‬During the‭ ‬1980s he steered clear from the spotlight and competed selectively,‭ ‬mostly in Hawaii,‭ ‬but also in Japan and Australia.‭ ‬MR returned to the pro tour in the Masters rank over‭ ‬20‭ ‬years later when he had won‭ ‬an age-division world title at‭ ‬the‭ ‬age‭ ‬of‭ ‬44.‭ “‬Surfing gave me some of the greatest years of my life.‭ ‬There’s nothing better than being in a sport you like.‭”‬ Mark Richard still lives in his hometown,‭ ‬Newcastle,‭ ‬Australia.‭ ‬He owns a surfboard manufacturing business,‭ ‬Mark Richards Surf Shop in Hunter St,‭ ‬the same shop‭ ‬as‭ ‬his parents.‭ ‬Up to this day,‭ ‬he exceeds the limits of surfboard design,‭ ‬making his‭ “‬MR‭”‬ logo‭ ‬one of the most iconic of the surf culture.‭ ‬Despite the health problems‭ (‬a reverse curvature of his back‭)‬,‭ ‬he never really quit surfing.‭ ‬He still has the same passion and love for this sport and is yet involved in Pro surfing,‭ ‬where he gets an idea on how to make his surfboards even better.

